There is 100% recovery of loan since August 2008. The 100% recovery became possible because of technical assistance and training provided to us for 18 months by MicroSave, a Lucknow based Technical Assistance Provider. The performance of the society in the field of micro finance was acknowledged by North East Development Finance Corporation Ltd. The society is awarded NEDFi Entrepreneurial Excellence Award, 2010 for outstanding performance and dedication in the field of micro finance and a certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Enterprise Creation and Contribution to the Growth of the Economy in N.E.Region has been issued by NEDFi.

As on 30.11.2010, the society is having 11,000 poor and down trodden women clients who have been given micro finance for income generating activities. The number of Joint Liability Groups consisting five women in each group was 2,087 as on 30.10.2010 The loan outstanding with clients as on 30.11.2010 was at Rs. 550.53 lakh. From the year 2004 to November 30, 2010, the society had sanctioned and disbursed loan to the extent of Rs.l 617.77 lakh.

The number of branch offices of the society has since increased to five. The society is also expanding its business day by day and decided to cover more districts by opening more branches shortly.

Our recovery rate is of 100 per cent. In the Nightingale Charitable Society what we do is that before disbursing a loan we first investigate & test the prospective individual or group of borrowers or beneficiaries of our MFi scheme. We identify shortlist and evaluate their ability to recover the loan and then we advance credit to them.

That is, we work hard to crop up a good culture of creditworthiness among the people of Assam what is the essence of success of any MFi plans in the country today.

Accountability and transparency have always been the guiding principles of Nightingale Charitable Society since its inception. All the money contributed to us is well spent and accounted for. NCS believes it is the custodian of public funds, and is therefore totally accountable to the wider public for the efficient use of these funds. This is reflected in the fact that NCS is one of the pioneering NGOs to take its annual results to all.

The NCS is implementing a special scheme called JLG which is an income-generating scheme. The main components of the scheme are as follows:

(a) Mobilizing people into groups
(b) Capacity building
(c) Credit support

This three-pronged strategy has been successful since the month of implementation of the special scheme on micro-finance.

We have advanced credit among 400 individual members as well. Our present outstanding with different Financial Institutions is Rs. One Crores.

A few nationalized banks have also come forward to depute us their Loan Recovery Agent.

Meanwhile, the NGO signed a business deal with the Oriental Insurance Company Limited, one of the sister companies of State-run General Insurance Company of India (GICI) for enhancing coverage of micro insurance being provided to poor and need-based village people in Assam.

Copyright© 2008-09 Nightingale Charitable Society