Nightingale Charitable Society was formed on Gandhi Jayanti - 2" October 1997. The name of the society "Nightingale" itself is a organization extending help to people. The objective of the Nightingale Charitable Society was to carry out social and economic upliftment of poor and down trodden people. The society was formally registered under the Societies Registration Act in the very next year. The Registration Number is RS/KAM/240/H/120 of 1998-99. Accordingly, the society was engaged in social work like health check-up camps (check-up the deceases of poor people by the expert Doctors and supplied the required medicines), cleanliness programmes in Guwahati city particularly in slump and dirty areas, educate the people about advantages of cleanliness, AIDs awareness among the people and also in education. Apart from these, the society educated the people of the benefit of forestry and was engaged in social forestry by itself. The society took part in cycle rally from Delhi to Wagha, border of Pakistan organized by National Integrity Programme of Ministry of Sports and Youth Welfare, Govt, of India. The above mentioned activities were carried out during the period 1997 to middle of 2004. Thereafter the society has given more importance for economic upliftment of poor and down trodden people by extending financial support on receipt of fund from different financial institutions and banks. Therefore, the main object of the society is now micro finance activities.

We are organizationally about ten years old. Ever since the inception of our organization-Nightingale Charitable Society (NCS), we have been serving the people of Assam. The Nightingale Charitable society (NCS) was formed on the Gandhi Jayanti day-the 2nd October of 1997. It was formally registered under the Societies Registration Act in the very next year. The registration number of our Society is RS/KAM/240/H/120 of 1998-1999.We kick-started its difficult journey of development and income generating activities in the region from the year 1998. It passed through a barrage of economic problems to accomplish a slew of programmes.

The Rastriya Gramin Vikash Nidhi (RGVN), a leading Financial Institutions in the NE Region, has come forward with a helping hand for the first time. The RGVN gave accompany in the lonely journey of Nightingale Charitable Society (NCS) in 2004 by sanctioning and disbursing money for implementing a project under NGO Support Programme (NGOSP).In the short run the society has made a significant progress in Micro Credit sector.

North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi), one of the biggest financial Institutions in the NE Region, which is our energy, has always been providing every support to us since inception.

Over the years, the Nightingale Charitable Society has been able to tie up with other financial institutions for fine-tuning its MFi schemes. These financial institutions include……..Assam Co-Operative Apex Bank Limited, Indian Bank, North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd (NEDFi) etc. The Nehru Yuva Kendra under the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Govt. of India has also been supporting a large number of youth rejunavating programmes of Nightingale Charitable Society since a long time.

Concludingly, miles to go before we sleep. We are all determined to usher in a new era in MFi sector in the forthcoming years. We expect similar cooperation from all in the days to come.

Copyright© 2008-09 Nightingale Charitable Society